Hobby is actually a life style! 興趣,其實是人生態度!
I was reading a blog post written by a father who talked about investing his child's hobby-dancing. The father has many insightful views including how hobby is not just a hobby. http://twoflowers.pixnet.net/blog/post/399145654-notonlyhobits Our children learn about discipline, skills, self-esteem, teamwork from doing the "hobby." But how about adults' hobby? As an dance instructor for adults, I found that my adult students had more challenges to persuade their friends/families or themselves to continue investing in pursuing their hobby. Many people question my adult students: why do you spend so much time and money in all the dance classes since you are not (going to be) a professional dancer??? From what I have observed from my my students and friends, I learned that they chose to dance because dance is part of themselves! The hobby is an actually a life style; an attitude they chose to live. The idea is similar to those who choose a certain diet or doing fitness. ...