Hobby is actually a life style! 興趣,其實是人生態度!

I was reading a blog post written by a father who talked about investing his child's hobby-dancing. The father has many insightful views including how hobby is not just a hobby. http://twoflowers.pixnet.net/blog/post/399145654-notonlyhobits Our children learn about discipline, skills, self-esteem, teamwork from doing the "hobby." But how about adults' hobby? As an dance instructor for adults, I found that my adult students had more challenges to persuade their friends/families or themselves to continue investing in pursuing their hobby. Many people question my adult students: why do you spend so much time and money in all the dance classes since you are not (going to be) a professional dancer???

From what I have observed from my my students and friends, I learned that they chose to dance because dance is part of themselves! The hobby is an actually a life style; an attitude they chose to live. The idea is similar to those who choose a certain diet or doing fitness. It is about choices! However, for those who choose to invest in their "hobby" such as dance, painting, singing or calligraphy, it is hard to present their result in short time. Sometimes it is even harder to notice the difference since the impacts of doing those arts are reflected on their mental status after years of work. It is not like going to a fitness training and you see the difference when you get on the scale.

However, the choice of continuing to work on the "hobby", the choice of picking a life style that makes you feel alive can have a profound impact on our lives. When you learn a new dance, you work on your memories, your concentrations and your body. When you step on stage to perform a dance, you incorporate not only your physical body, but also images/feelings/experience resulting from your life experiences to express and deliver a story you tell non-verbally. The sense of accomplishment is enormous when you conquer challenging steps or deliver an expression that touches the audience. As human beings, we have little control of how the world runs around us. However, when we work on our body and our minds to create a choreography, we gain the control to show the word our work. When we work on our skills to present the dance in front of the audience, we take back our control in choosing our expression! That is the power of the "HOBBY."

To my dear students, I see your choice in investing your life in dancing. I cheer for you and I encourage you to share your passion with the rest of the world. Show them this is a life style you choose and it empowers you and inspires those who see you dance!


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